
你们都用 Markdown 做什么?

你们都用 Markdown 做什么?我用它来写作文、批改作文、记读书笔记,课堂笔记。

答:就是帮别人改作文,方法是把作文分段加上 > 引用,然后在每段后面用 + 清单写出批改意见,最后把改好后的复制到邮件里寄出去 = = 比如说: >The reading material and the lecture are mainly discussing the reason why there has been a decline of sea otters in North America. (后来修改的时候想起的模板 The lecture and the reading passage give contradictory opinions on the topic of the causes of otter decline in North America. 感觉后面这个要好点 )The passage states that it is because the environment has been polluted while the speaker prefers that it is the attack of predators that causes the decline. + *the* reason 可以去掉。 + 同样,建议删掉 on the topic of the causes 里的 the topic of。 + 我也感觉后面的确实更好,因为有一个 **contradictory**。

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